「PARA Beats! Ireland and Narita in Harmony」特設ページ
「PARA Beats! Ireland and Narita in Harmony」
アイルランドの大御所アーティストでアイリッシュブズーキの第一人者であるドナル・ラニー氏と国際的和太鼓奏者の林田ひろゆき氏が、パラアスリートの応援歌を共同で作曲し、本市で2月11日に行われた共生社会応援イベント「PARA Beats! 勇気を奏でよう。A celebration for Para athletes 」で初演しました。
アイルランドパラリンピックチームの事前キャンプ受け入れを機に共生社会化を目指す本市が、両氏に作曲を委嘱し企画。ラニー氏、林田氏のほか、ZI-PANGなど両国のミュージシャン、アイルランドの文化交流団体Experience Japanと活動する若者による太鼓チーム、アイルランドと本市ともに障害を持つ音楽ユニット(Classic Harmony、成田市障がい者和太鼓衆「不動」)が参加。映像で繋ぎ、リモートで演奏を披露した様子の実録です。
On the 11th of February in Narita, The Para Beats! A celebration for Paralympic Athletes society support performance was premiered. The Leading Irish Bouzouki’s Artist; Donal Lunny and International Japanese Taiko Player Hiro Hayashida co-composed the symbiotic event.
To symbolise the socialisation and acceptance of the Irish Paralympic teams pre-camp, The music composed was dedicated to them from Narita City. In addition to Donal Lunny and Hiro Hayashida, other musicians participated. These included; ZI-PANG, Experience Japan; a taiko team with young people working with the Irish cultural exchange group, and Classic Harmony; the Narita Taiko team for those with disabilities. This allowed the opportunity to create a music unit that promoted “Fudo”. It was live streamed in Narita, alongside a remote collaboration to connect with each other.
It was important to support the challenges that a Para-athlete may experience and to beat the taiko together no matter where we are, which race or fixed perspectives. Please listen and watch the amazing melody and create feelings for the friendship and socialisation that was formed between two countries, Ireland and Japan.